폰트 편집의 기초
Glyphr Studio uses a common editing experience for Characters, Components, and Ligatures,
(collectively known as 'Glyphs')
because these types of objects are all a collection of paths that form a visual
representation of a glyph.Editor pages are split into three main areas. From left to right, the first area is
the Panels area. There is a thin area in the middle to select Tools. And finally
a large area on the right to display the edit canvas.Panels area
Project data is displayed two ways: the edit canvas displays a visual representation
of the data. The Panels area displays data in various lists or inputs. The Attributes
Panel, for example, displays a series of Cards that has detailed information about
whatever is currently selected. These cards have properties that you can edit, and
those changes will update on the Edit Canvas (and vise-versa, changes on the Edit Canvas
will update the detail cards). Cards also display various actions you can take on that
selected item.Detail cards
The main detail cards are:
- Glyph - if nothing is selected, the Glyph card is the only one displayed.
- Path - shows information about the currently selected Path.
- Path Point - shows information about the currently selected point on the path.
For the Path Edit and Resize tools, holding down
will allow you to multi-select
either Paths or Path Points.For the Add Path Point tool, holding down
will round the coordinate values of the new point to whole numbers.Edit canvas
The Edit Canvas is the visual representation of project data. Changes here will update
the Panel area details as well.Along the bottom there are canvas view controls, from left to right they are: